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    FAQ Page

    1. Are PRENDE products cruelty-free and vegan brand?

    Yes, PRENDE products are proudly cruelty-free and vegan.

    2. What methods of payment are accepted?

    PRENDE accepts the following forms of payment: PayPal, AMEX, VISA, Master Card Discover.

    3. Do you accept international credit cards?

    Yes, however, only for international orders.

    4. How long does domestic shipping take?

    Usually 3-5 business days, however, due to COVID we have seen packages take up to 2 weeks to reach the costumers.

    5. How long does international shipping take?

    Usually 7-14 business days, however, due to COVID we have seen packages take up to 3-4 weeks to reach the costumers.

    6. Can I cancel my order?

    When an order is placed on we begin processing the order immediately, to ensure prompt delivery. We are unable to cancel or change an order once it’s submitted.

    7. Can I return my order?

    We would like for our costumers to be 100% satisfied with our products. However, if you are not satisfied with products then yes, you can return products within 14 days and get money back. Note that, shipping fee cannot be refunded.

    8. Why did I not receive my refund?

    It typically takes 7-14 business days before expecting the reimbursement. Note that shipping fees can not be refunded.

    9. My order is damaged, incorrect or missing. What can I do?

    We are sorry to hear that. Please contact us at and we will be happy to replace it with the same item, incorrect or missing items can also be replaced with the correct item that was ordered.


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